Clock Posture Check
I often speak of ways to improve posture but the problem that most Movement Specialists and trainers face is that the people were helping go back to same environment that caused the dysfunction in the first place reinforcing poor posture and movement patterns.
This obviously minimizes improvement and the progress we’ve made. I’ve found that with altering the ergonomics of your work setting like the video below and utilizing stretching, strengthening and soft tissue practice you can make a significant difference in posture and movement mechanics.

My frustration with training and rehab programs is that you can’t control what people do while they are away from you.
With 168 hours in a full week, me seeing a client for 3 of those just can’t compete with the remaining 165hrs they are potentially undoing everything were trying to change.
So What’s the Remedy?
I once read that on average people look at the clock on their computer three times per hour.
Now whether or not that’s true, good strategies to reinforce “correct” posture in the work place are to STAND UP and perform a correction or two whenever you check the time on your computer.
That clock at your computer should be a reminder to perform a quick analysis of how you’re sitting.
What posture have you crept into?
Now stand up and make corrections or better yet I recommend that you purchase a standing desk like the one below:

Standing desk attachment

This “Clock Posture check” if done three times per hour in a typical 8 hr work day accounts for 24 daily corrections.
Over a five day period you’re looking at 120 total Posture Checks for the week!
This is an excellent way to ensure your clients are making FORWARD progress and not “creeping” back into posture that they’ve gotten really good at holding.
Try some of these corrections on your next “Clock Posture Check”

Unorthodox Fat Loss Tool
The question arises often what can be done to make a normal evening “stroll” a little more challenging.
My usual answer is to RUN, but considering some people have injuries preventing them from running and others may not even be in shape to run the Weight Vest is an excellent tool.
I’ve been recommending clients to wear weight vests while training, walking, doing house work or simply for an active recovery for years.
I also really like it for my office workers/desk jockey’s to wear while at work.
It obviously all depends on your work environment but knowing the goal at work is to stand and move more motivates you to literally “workout” while at work.
You may look funny but hey, were getting you out of that seated position that causes HUMANS so many problems and the vest really challenges you to burn more calories while doing normal day to day activities.
I wouldn’t suggest that you wear it all day by any means but maybe for stints of 30 min to hour intermittently throughout your work day with the main goal being to increase training volume while increasing caloric expenditure throughout your day.
The Weight Vest
