I don’t want you to forget to wake up and eat a Protein Rich Breakfast because I don’t want you to perform the AM workout on a empty stomach! The mid morning snack will be your post workout meal containing Protein, vegetable and or fruit and adequate amounts of Complex Carbs(oatmeal, grits, crème of wheat, sweet potatos, whole grain pasta,whole grain toast etc…). Save Complex Carbs for post exercise only unless it’s a part of your 10% Cheat Meals. Carbs are EXERCISE DEPENDENT! If you haven’t exercised than you are NOT allowed to eat Complex Carbs. I also want you to be eating between 5-8X per day! If you achieve at least 5 meals a day 7 days a week that comes to 35 meals total which gives you 3.5(10%) cheat meals for the week. Remember were looking for 90% compliancy on your food intake and 7 days of at least 20 min of exercise or some form of activity.

Don’t forget to do your Hip mobility(glute activation) exercises and your active warm-up. Don’t get lazy, these pre-exercise protocols are very important! You should also have Ruthy with you for both workouts for motivation and moral support. She could never take the place of me but she’ll do for now;)
*AM/Hike- Find a challenging hill, walk to the top and perform 20 Body-weight Squats. Repeat the Hill climb 10X alternating 20 Body-weight squats and 10 Push-ups at the top of the hill. You can always substitute the squats or the push-ups for something else such as med ball slams or KB snatch pulls. Feel free to change up anything you’d like as long as it’s challenging and you’re using a lot of muscles at the same time.
KB Complex- 12kg, 3rds, 6rep, 8 rep and 10 per movements
Snatch, Clean and Press, Zercher Squat, Side lunge, Bent over row, High pull, Swing
*AM/Swim- Swim for a distance or time(10-20 strokes or 20-30 sec) and then rest by treading water or doggy paddling. This workout shouldn’t last very long, try for 10 min without rest. Try alternating different types of Strokes(Olympic/Traditional vs. Breast stroke).
Swim a particular distance or time than get out and perform KB swings, snatches or presses or Med ball slams. Rest and than repeat for a certain amount of times. Try for 20 min total time.
PM/Weights – A1 Flat Bench DB Press 3 sets of 12 with the 35’s
A2 DB Deadlifts 3 sets of 12 with the 35’s
A3 Med ball slams 3 sets of 10 reps
B1 KB High Pull 16kg 3 sets of 12 each side
B2 Alt arm DB Shoulder press 3 sets of 12 reps with the 20pounders
C1 Dynamic Planks on the ground(elbows and toes) 2 sets of 15 reps
Wednesday- Double Energy Day, NO WEIGHTS!
*AM/Canoe- 45-60 min of Steady State
Intervals- 10 sets of 1 min continuous paddling, 1 min off or Tabata Intervals at 20 sec paddling as fast as you can with 10 sec rest period. Repeat the Tabata Protocol for a total of 8 rounds(3:50sec). You could also try doing both within your 20 min training session. You could also bring some dumbbells along and do shoulder presses or chest presses on your rest periods.
PM/Hiking- 45-60 min of Steady State
*AM/Hill work- Pick the most challenging hill around and Bear Crawl up it. That’s it! Challenge yourself by working up to 20 total hill climbs.
A1 Push-ups 3 sets of 15 reps
A2 DB Bent Over Rows 3 Sets of 15 reps 35 pounds
A3 Body weight Split Squat
B1 KB Clean and Press 3 sets of 12 reps with 16 kg
That’s It! GO EAT
*AM/Swim- Swim for a distance or time(10-20 strokes or 20-30 sec) and then rest by treading water or doggy paddling. This workout shouldn’t last very long, try for 10 min without rest. Try alternating different types of Strokes(Olympic/Traditional vs. Breast stroke).
Swim a particular distance or time than get out and perform KB swings, snatches or presses or Med ball slams. Rest and than repeat for a certain amount of times. Try for 20 min total time.
PM/Weights- DB Matrix Complex- Use DB’s 12-15 pounds, going for 6, 8 and 10 reps. Perform 3 rounds.
Alternating shoulder presses, Alt side Shoulder presses, bicep curls alt, alt presses with rotation, alt upper-cuts, alt upright rows, front lunge alt with presses, side lunges alt with presses, alt back lunge with twist with presses, squats, bent over rows, push ups. Repeat.
*AM/Canoe- 30 min of Steady State
Intervals- 10 sets of 1 min continuous paddling, 1 min off or Tabata Intervals at 20 sec paddling as fast as you can with 10 sec rest period. Repeat the Tabata Protocol for a total of 8 rounds(3:50sec). You could also try doing both within your 20 min training session. You could also bring some dumbbells along and do shoulder presses or chest presses on your rest periods.
PM/Weights- Bodybuilding day(Isolation 101)
A1 Flat bench DB Fly(be careful with this one) 12 or 15 pounds, 3 sets of 12 reps
A2 Supine Hip Ext(one foot placed on a bench or chair, other foot extended in the air. Push through the heel of foot on bench or chair while reaching the opposite foot to the sky). Perform 3 sets of 15 reps
B1 DB Front raise/Lateral raise combo- Perform one front raise than one lateral raise, that’s one repetition! Perform 3 sets of 12 repetitions.
B2 DB Squats with a shoulder press- Perform 3 sets 12 reps
C1 DB bent over rows- 3 sets of 12 with 35 pounds
C2 DB bicep curls together(not alternating) using the 20 pound DB’s
C3 DB Supine (on bench) Skull Crushers(tricep extensions)- using the 20 pounders perform 3 sets of 12 reps
*AM- Steady State/Leisure trail walking, canoeing or any low intensity/longer duration type of aerobics- 60min +
PM- Day off
*All AM workouts are to performed while wearing your weight vest. These workouts are considered ENERGY WORK and shouldn’t be done for more than 20 min. Get the most out of that 20 min period. These workouts are not to be confused with Steady State unless you’re exhausted from the PM workout the night before and need to lower the intensity. If you need to lower the intensity than increase the duration of the workout.
** On the PM/Weight training feel free to change the weight, reps or sets to suit your energy levels or mood. I’m not giving you the GREEN LIGHT to take it easy or “wimp out”. I think by allowing you to play with the programs this will not only help you increase your “tool box” but it will also increase your knowledge or rep/set schemes, rest periods, tempo and most importantly exercise selection. I gave you some options and idea’s but if you want to add, exchange or remove something than go for it. In the long run as long as your challenging yourself, training movement and not injuring yourself than you can’t really go wrong. Remember you are only limited by your imagination. GOOD LUCK!
